My Message

Leader - warm - humorous - present - trustworthy - deep integrity - wise - walks the talk - strong - unafraid - insightful - honest - inspiring - visionary - determined - authentic - gifted - vessel for change

Welcome! I’m Steph, and I’m the founder of the Seven Directions® Breathwork Facilitator Training Program. I’m a breathwork teacher and facilitator, shamanic practitioner and licensed bodywork therapist. I’m also a mother of three grown up very awesome children, and an entrepreneurial businesswomen having established over 5 of my own successful businesses, all with a focus on health and wellbeing. I’m an innovator, community builder, activist and peace loving change maker. My heart is my greatest teacher and guide.

In my day to day, I’m an avid fan of cold & heat exposure therapy, wild swimming, detoxing, fitness, and anything that expands my consciousness and health potential. In working to heal my own past, I’ve journeyed with numerous plant medicines and I maintain a regular ongoing shamanic practice via sweat lodge and other Sacred Ceremonies.  

As a modern day Medicine Woman I have walked through many fires in my own life story to create incredible change. I see beyond the veil of illusion into the landscape of potential, and from there I support my clients to move towards true self expression. Primarily, I use the breath, shamanism, and a skillset gained in many years of a wide range of health & wellness businesses to support you in living the life that was meant for you.

Steph Magenta Portrait


For as long as I can remember, I had an omnipresent sense of right and wrong; a sense of justice and right relation. I somehow knew that my parents unhealed traumas were influencing their parenting but I was too young, dependant and innocent to change anything. As a result, like most of us, I was shaped by their world views.

Little by little I dimmed my light and modified my behaviour in order to stay safe and receive ‘approval’ - this led to serious addiction issues as my inner world did not in any way match my outer experiences. I learnt to bury my feelings and self soothe. From addiction came other less than healthy patterns; rehab was only the first step on my journey back to wholeness and the capacity to know and speak my truth.

As human beings we have been given the stories of our ancestors, sometimes consciously, but more often unconsciously. Shamans call these early influences “image makers” and “image takers.” Image makers support the evolution of our own unique essence and spirit. Image takers limit and restrict our natural and free expression, often as a result of their own unintegrated fears and longings. 

I place great value on community. In community we see ourselves in others and come to realise we are not alone; that others may feel like us or perhaps lead the way by showing us what’s possible in life - we are stronger together than we are alone. 

Life has taken me on a journey to find the willingness to walk through the legacies of my past wounds to transform my experiences and understanding of how those experiences shaped me. Every human being benefits from liberating themselves from the patterns of the past if those patterns continue to limit our truthful, authentic self expression. 

Once we know how we are acting/re-acting, only then it it possible to move freely towards a new future, unencumbered by our own history. 

I will support the transformation of your past towards the liberation of your future. I work with people who are hungry for, and ready for total life change. 


I LOVE Steph Magenta. Primarily because she’s REAL. She turns up as her true authentic self and her real self is a fierce, baddass, goddess warrior woman extraordinaire. She walks her talk and has endlessly reinvented herself as she continues to consciously evolve. I absolutely recommend her as I know she continues to seek new ways to do ‘peak human’.

She won’t ask you to do anything she hasn’t already tried and tested. If she’s doing that for her personal evolution think what she could do for you! AND she’ll deliver with experience, expertise, attitude, sass, compassion and a wicked sense of humour. If you want to take yourself to the next level book a Steph session – you’ll be thanking yourself ever after.
— Davina Mackail, Hay House Author and Medicine Woman
Thank you so much for creating and holding such a safe space for us men last night. There’s something quite unique and special about women holding the space for us men to do our work. You held the space masterfully and your body work was very intuitive and helped me shift some emotional blockages. You gave me permission to express whatever came up for me. You float between teacher, facilitator and healer really well. Thank you.
— Tim Vagughan, TedX Speader & Leadership Consultant.
What a gift to be guided in such a clear, down to earth way to the highest regions of heart, body and mind. Thank you Steph!
— Danielle De Wilde, Director Bio Elan Vital Institute Brussels, National Representative IBF.

My EXPERIENCE & Training

Training: Founder Seven Directions® Breathwork, Co-founder Integrative Breath Training, Certified Alchemy of Breath Breathwork Facilitator, Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor, TRE® (Provider in training), Yoga Nidra Practitioner, Licensed Bodywork Therapist, Shamanic Practitioner (Northern Drum), Dr Betty Martin Wheel of Consent trained, Reiki I & II, NADA auricular acupuncture, Susanna Soeberg 3 week Thermalist Training (heat & cold exposure with breath), Healing Developmental Trauma, October 2023, RUPI Right Use of Power Basics Training 2024.

Other experience: Conference Organising & Presenting, Event & Retreat Hosting, Juicing & Nutritional Detoxing (over 20 years running clean food cafes and juice bars), Drug & Alcohol Research & Support (Lifeline),  Business Set-Up & Management.

I have also studied tantra and worked extensively with plant medicines as a route to healing trauma.


Experienced businesswoman and entrepreneur: Battery Park juice bar and cafe, On The Corner juice bar and cafe, Alchemy juice bar and restaurant (France), Love Juice plant based cafe/juice bar, The Centre For Dynamic Health - holistic centre, and Integrative Breath, breathwork training school.

  • Published author (2012)

  • Graduate of fine arts.

  • Bi-lingual (French)

Previous credentials relating to substance misuse work:

  • Author of an extensive research report into street based sex work and sexual health in Manchester UK

  • Author of harm reduction publication for street sex workers entitled ‘On The Beat’, commissioned by Lifeline, a well known drug and alcohol support agency. 

  • Erotic Awards nominee & finalist 2010: category – Blogger

  • Erotic Awards nominee & finalist 2013: category – Campaigner

MEDIA: (more to come)


Airheads Masterclass - Online Summit Keynote Speaker April 2023

The Shift Network Breathwork Summit Jan 2023, summit lead host and presenter. Top 5 rated speaker.

The Shift Network Breathwork Summit 2022, summit co-host and presenter. Top 5 rated speaker.

Shift Network Faculty Course - 2023. Shamanism and Breathwork

Epic Sex for Women Summit 2023 - Breathing for Pleasure.

Festival of Sexuality Summit 2022 with Rebecca Lowrie.

Inspiration Festival 2022 - Session Presenter

The Embodiment Conference - 2020 Session Presenter (meditation/breathwork channel)


Nirvana Sisters Podcast: Breathe in, Breathe out - A Breathwork 101 - April 2023

The Sexy Life Podcast with Sarah Rose Bright -What is connected breathwork and how can you use it to regulate burnout, deepen intimacy and improve self awareness. October 2022

The Sexual Alchemy Podcast with Rebecca Lowrie, on presence, consciousness & intimacy. Autumn 2022

The Vital Point Podcast Breathing! with Jonathan Schecter.

The Dissected Woman Podcast - My Breathwork Story, with Natasha De Grunwald

The Do Good Podcast: Breathe yourself back to health & vitality.

The Rita Savoia Self Care Podcast: Overcoming Adversity Through Breath.

The Two Good Men Podcast: Working with Men in Breathwork

Keynote Speaker:

Global Inspiration Conference Kenya, Africa, Keynote Speaker - July 2023

The Breathe Festival UK: Speaker/Session Presenter 2021/2022/2023

Desiree Alliance Conference, Las Vegas, 2013. Sex Work, Health & Politics.

Co-organiser (with University of East London), keynote speaker and workshop panelist for  ‘Sex Work Reassessed’ conference 1998.


O/ModernT: Presentation for classical musicians on expanding, calming & focussing the nervous system with breath - March 2022